Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Truest Art

I don't have any visual memories of 
My glory days, 
Days of my truest art. 
Days that I worked so hard to have. 
I learned skills, 
Built muscle 
And sacrificed time 
To have that glory. 
A kind of glory you can 
Never forget. 
Times you can never regret. 
My dreams were at its highest, 
My goals seemed 
The most possible. 
The title seemed to already 
Be in my hands. 
These days, 
I could never forget. 
These days, 
I will never regret. 
Even if the pain was harsh, 
Even if I ran out of breath, 
Even if I cried each night 
Knowing I'd have to face the 
Same condition the next day, 
Times like these, 
It's worth it. 
At the end of the day 
You realize you're just 
One step closer towards glory. 
This was my story. 
This was my truest art, 
This was my heart. 
This is where I started my life. 
I went through physical strife 
To gain my stability, 
My confidence, 
Mentality, strategy. 
Only to find the glory 
At the end of each day. 
And what is this glory? 
This glory that seemed to 
Make up most of my story? 
It was my own true self. 
The new person I was each time, 
Each time I finished, 
Each time I dismounted, 
Each time I stood on that podium. 
Each accomplishment I held 
In the palm of my hands, 
Everytime I'd look into those stands. 
The glory is that feeling 
When you look out 
And you realize you did work for something. 
And it wasn't just to impress 
The crowd, 
Your coaches, 
Your teammates, 
Not even your family. 
But it was to show yourself 
That you can make the glory happen. 
In my mind, it was my proof, 
That I actually had what it takes 
To do something other people dream of doing. 
That was my glory. 
It wasn't even about the skills I gained, 
The physical performance, 
The award or any of that. 
It was the true knowing that 
I could do something. 
That I could accomplish what I thought 
Had to be impossible for me. 
That was my glory. 
And I may not have visual memories of those days, 
But I remember the feeling, the sight of the crowds, 
What my heart felt in those moments. 
Felt nothing could bring my glory down.

August 2, 2010

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