Saturday, January 21, 2012

True Loves' Scent

I take in the scent,
The sweet smell of common sense,
The beloved notion sprinkled
In a pure love potion.
A true love commotion.
It messes with your mind,
It takes over most of man kind,
And it spins you around until
It seems like time is
Slowing your world down.
Finally, you see things so clear,
Everything in your world disappears,
Except for one.
That one who can look you in the eyes,
That one who can call you beautiful.
That moment when you realize,
My life has become magical.
It's so lyrical, that you could sing.
Then you remember that scent.
It's the first smell you smelled
On that first day that you could never forget.
Something about that smell never makes you regret

I remember that scent.
It's one I could never forget.

January 21, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Dear Teddy,

I may not be the best
Or better than another girl,
But you're the first boy to stop my world.
Any other would have no purpose,
Cuz I wanna keep Our promise,
The one We made,
The one that will never change,
Because I love you for you,
And you love me for me,
There's nothing else I could ever need.
And although I may not be the best,
I won't ever stop trying,
Just for you.
Always and forever just for you.

Love, Kitten.

January 12, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I had a dream,
That love was all I needed,
Love was all I had,
It was all that I came for,
And it took me by the hand.
You said to me,
"Let's go to be free,
Let's untangle from this world,
Let's vanish for our needs."
I climbed into your wings
And I let them soar
From sky to sky.
I've never been so high,
I've never left the ground.
But here I am with you.
We're boundless,
It's gorgeous,
I've never felt more glorious!
Then you smiled
And you said to me,
"Let's go and be free,
Let's untangle from this Earth,
Let's find this endless love we deserve."

January 4, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Real New Year

"It's a new year,
A new me."
Various statuses frame the News Feed.
These are the words I see,
Mostly lies, partially truth.
These are the people the world knew.
This is what the world of Facebook saw.
"It's a new year,
A new me."
This is what the people claimed to be.
But a new year doesn't simplify a new you.
A new you only becomes true
When you change the lies.
The statuses you write,
And the things that you actually
Say and do,
Won't be the truth.
Start off real,
Don't try to appeal.
"It's a new year,
A new me.
This is truly how I want it to be."

January 3, 2012

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