Sunday, October 17, 2010


What's the point of these notes?
Do people get the idea?
What am I supposed to use them for?
I'd ask, but I'd rather write more.
Express myself.
In any way.
Writing is Marvelous.
Don't take it for granted.
Let expression be released.
Let your thoughts be heard.
Let your mind be set free!
Envy the Marvelous, express you.
Writing without your mind running free?
To me, impossible.
Let your words take over.
Let your inner personality breathe.
Imagination is the key.
Don't let that slip away.
Be the Marvelous, express yourself.
Writing is Marvelous.
So what's the point of these notes?
Do people get the idea?
What am I supposed to use them for?
You can ask, or you can just discover more.
April 26, 2010

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