Thursday, April 18, 2013

Safe Keeping

I'd live to die for him.
He's my resting place, my calm sea.
He is the place that I want to be.
Through trials and storms
He lifts me from the ground.
I hover over the city lights, 
I see over my home southern nights.
He's gracious to me
And keeps me safe from any harm.
The world brightens at his smile,
Tangles when they hear his voice.
I'm so emptied of choice,
And it doesn't bother me.
I'm right in the place that I'm meant to be.
He is the boy that is meant for me,
He's my safety, my calm sea.
I brush up like a wave against his feet,
Never letting go, never leaving him into the deep,
Cuz I want to be his resting place when he needs me.

April 18, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

As Red Diamonds Would Be

He's my safe haven, my handsome masterpiece.
He fits the places in my heart so benevolently.
He always there for me.
He reaches for my soul and breathes life into me.
My arms are outstretched for his love,
Courageously taking hold of his hand
Just to never let go.
Never to feel the weight of empty air,
And to believe in a love so truly rare,
Only to come to realize that true love is fair.
A love that glides through the skies so effortlessly.
He has come into my life so pleasantly and unscripted.
He's become a daily chance to love over and over again.
To fall in love each time my eyes open.
He's the epitome of love.
He is my true safe haven,
A masterpiece as priceless as red diamonds.

April 16, 2013

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