Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Seemed I'd been trapped 
In that cave for a long time. 
No light, no faith. 
I wondered if I'd ever get out. 
I'd cry in the night, 
Searched during the day. 
Wondered if I'd get out 
Of that dismay. 
Then one day, 
I sat and I waited, 
And discovered a 
Rise of the sun. 
Right then I knew my 
Search was done. 
I walked towards the light, 
And it caught my skin. 
The warmth, 
Happiness stood over me. 
There was no more darkness, 
Light had shined. 
I felt my faith define 
And walked out that cave 
With my chin held high. 
I can now re-start 
My new journey 
Hoping you'll come along with me.

June 30, 2010

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