Sunday, May 13, 2012

We Were Like New-borns

I miss the way we used to be,
Spontaneous and innocent.
The way you playfully wrapped
Your gentle arms around me,
Lightly and sweetly.
We would mess around,
We would act like new-born puppies.
I miss the way we used to be.
But it's because we were so clean,
So innocent and pure,
It's because of how honest we were,
That I loved how we used to be.
But something now just feels so used,
So unclean and dirty.

We're used to each other,
Maybe that's the thing.
Like 5-year married couples in the spring.
Summer's coming and you just want all
The stress and pain to fall behind.
Now I just wish that,
If you read this prose, you'll still forever want to be mine.

I just miss the way we were,
That's all.

May 13, 2012

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