Just to see your smile,
I hang on to each day
To see your face.
My heart skips a beat.
I'm flying off my feet
Into the sky.
With your hand
Over my heart,
You smile and look
Into my eyes.
Nothing can be denied.
No one will be fooled,
No one's heart will hurt.
You say,
"If only she knew my feelings for her."
But I do.
I think about this everyday.
Is it me that he wants?
Is it me that he needs?
Does he love me like he says?
Thoughts seem to bloom
Over my head.
But it's you at the end of the day
Who tells me that you're here to stay.
Who would never leave me,
Who would never hurt me.
Who will always be there
Para mi.
"If only he knew my feelings for him.
I'd tell him, there's nothing I would change.
Nothing I would make new."
Everything that I'll do,
Es para tu.
It's you at the end of the day
Who tells me, "I love you."
October 11, 2010