Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Awakening

It's unbelief.
It's just everything.
I tryta dig way down deep,
But sometimes I find nothin.
Somethin is hauntin,
Somethin is breakin,
Somethin is just keepin me from an awakenin.
The power of it all
Is truly decisive.
But sometimes I feel lost,
And I don't know where God is.
I don't listen,
I don't seek in and
that's why I keep missin
The truth behind this world.
Now I need somethin to believe in.
He's always been there
But sometimes I get scared.
I need to fear Him,
Not thing's of this world.
Thing's of this world
Are simply known,
But God is the only one who has shown
Why there's a purpose to walk in His word.
But not many people listen
That's why we keep missin
Chances that are given
In this life that we live in.
We needa show respect
To the One who never lies.
We needa show respect
To the only One who can give us true eyes.
We needa look inside our heart.
We needa bring thing's out.
It's never too late
Cuz God always has our part.
He's waitin for us to show ourselves.
He has a plan for us.
Without God, nothin is possible.
Nothin will ever be plausible.
Of course, I've had my days
When nothin seemed to be right.
I had my days when there seemed to be no light.
I disrespected, I dishonored.
I never listened to the Father.
I thought I had thing's planned
But my way just seemed harder.
I wanted thing's my way,
I wanted worldly pleasures.
I thought the path was bright,
But soon thing's were just too tall to measure.
My ruler never long enough.
I thought my heart was tough.
But it seemed to just keep breakin down,
And I found myself cryin on the ground.
Prayin, "Lord, get me outta here."
"Lord, forgive me please."
"Lord, look. I am beggin on my knees."
"This fear is just too rough. It brings so much pain."
"I wanna be the humble lamb, not the wolf who's gettin slain."
I tried to search my heart,
I wanna know where to restart.
I don't wanna live in deepness.
I don't wanna fall apart.
I only look to You now,
And I wanna learn and seek how
You work your problems out.
I don't wanna live by my rules.
I don't wanna mess around.
I wanna put my life in your hands.
I wanna be up off this ground.
Live in Your kingdom, breathe Your air.
I wanna see what You see
And raise up out this chair.
This chair that I'm sittin in,
Does me no good.
Just like the way I live in this hood.
I ain't no child of the world.
I ain't wanna be no visitor to Your realm.
I wanna be apart of Your gift, not with them.
I need that veil to be taken away.
I needa revolution in this city today.
Cuz I've cried out my lungs,
My thoughts think in shame
Of how thing's been goin
But I know I've been to blame.
I thought I had thing's made for me,
I thought I was free.
But I didn't know that there was somethin
I couldn't see.
My parents are everythin,
My friends, my siblings.
To honor your mother and your father
Will reward you with a promise.
And I'll be seekin that promise.
I'll wait for God's commands.
I'll wait for His word,
Til thing's hit land.
But now I understand.
Worldly thing's were never made for me.
They are only there to see if I'll be a free-be.
Will I choose His path or not.
I'd only know on my judgement day,
If I chose his life, or a life made my own way.
So now you know what you been missin,
Now you know what to listen to.
I learned that whenever I need him,
I got Him to lead me through.
Now I finally understand.
Now I know I've hit land.
Now I finally see,
That the only God who'll take me flyin is Jesus Christ, The King.

April 18, 2010

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