Writing has always been a part of me. Any kind of writing really. That is one reason why I would like to become a member of the Odyssey. (I was also recommended by my Lit/Comp 9 teacher, Mr. Witt.) I believe I'll be able to offer everyone on staff help if they need it. Send support no matter what thing's are looking like, show courtesy to everyone and be available to anyone. These are a few reasons why I became interested in the Odyssey. I like to help people and be of service to anyone. I like to look for reasons, go out and find out the latest. This is why I love journalism. You can never just sit back and relax. You're always doing something to get the information. You're always doing something different, always doing something with motivation. You're always searching, researching, moving. Journalism interests me because of the motivation it has. The criticism I may face will not offend me or make me look down on myself. I'm sure I'll face it one day and possibly everyday, but I will only look at it as a way of helping me become a better writer. I'll take any advice given and show respect to someone else perspective.
I like to work independently, I love just writing and hearing just my thoughts. I like to listen to my thoughts gather themselves without another voice gathering it for me. Working by myself really relaxes me, allows me to focus and it really brings out the best in me. However, I am able to work with a group. Working independently is good, but everyone needs assistance at times. No matter how much you think you got it, everyone needs the help at times. Groups wouldn't bother me, they are only there to guide me and build me up.
If I were to interview someone, I wouldn't be nervous. As I mentioned in my interview, I seem to be better speaking to people I don't know rather than people I know. But whoever it may be, that shouldn't effect the way I do my work. New people I am very okay with. They are new, and so of course I'll show them respect and be sure they feel welcome at Clarke Central. I wouldn't shy away because I didn't know them. That's another quality you need to be a journalist, I believe. Be able to speak to anyone and be acquainted with many people. And I think interviewing new people would improve my social skills in many ways. So whatever I need to do, I'll do it and get it done.
As I have mentioned, I love to write. I am mostly a creative writer. I write poems, short stories, songs, long stories and other genres. I usually express all my writing either by hand in a simple notebook or on my facebook page under Notes. And as much as I love creative writing, I also enjoy over viewing over work or like a story, sports, article, movies, music, etc. I also enjoy writing about current events and what goes on. I don't write much of these kinds but I would be willing to learn.
As for the willingness to sell ads. I honestly am not sure what you guys mean by that. But I am willing to be at the UGA games next fall to help fund raise for the Odyssey and I will try my best to see to it that my sports schedule during the fall won't interfere with any Odyssey work that I would do.
Realizing this, I'd also be willing to offer my time. If I am truly serious about what I want to do when I get older, I am guessing that I'd have to learn how to cope with it now and get an intro on it now rather than later. I understand that this will be hard work and involves many late hours after school. But I believe this is one responsibility that I am willing to have.
Lastly, one other reason why I am interested in being a member of the Odyssey staff is for a step up in responsibility. I think by being a part of this team I will be able to learn different personal qualities as well as qualities needed to be a journalist. I believe I could use a dose of the Odyssey World any time, any day, and apply it to anything.
May 4, 2010