I can be there for you.
I can be there for this world.
But I can't be everywhere
At once.
I fight off the bad
And bring in what's best.
But yet, I need my rest,
I don't wanna feel through.
But who's coming to save me?
I'm fighting the battles,
I'm facing future scars,
I'm bleeding,
I'm wounded.
Why am I misunderstood and
Why can't I find help too?
I may be a hero,
But I'm not super.
If you need me,
I can be there.
But first I need to tie my hair,
Put on my mask and shoes,
Because the last thing I wanna do
Is lose,
And them come after me
And the ones I love.
Under this mask,
I'm not free.
But I still do the best I can
To be the hero everyone wants me to be.
Sept 28, 2010