Friday, October 15, 2010

Beyond the Pages

A pen is just a pen unless you use it with purpose. 
Any kind of writing always has a purpose, 
Always has a meaning. It speaks truth. 
No matter what is being said, 
Someone said it with some kind of purpose. 
Something is always going through someone's 
Mind when saying, or writing something. 
Whether or not it may be true, 
Writing could be used to fool, to trick 
To hide what's really being said. 
I'm a writer, but even words may fool me. 
Sometimes something is being written 
And just sometimes you get fooled by what you can see. 
Look beyond each page. Look between the footnotes. 
Analyze the wording. See its structure. 
What's the meaning? Where's the purpose. 
Writing is an adventure.

June 9, 2010

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