Monday, November 1, 2010

The Wind and the Chime

I think I've said it
A million times...

I hear the storm blowing
The broken chimes.
The sound's uneven,
But yet my heart
Is still believing.
Nothing can be perfect.
But for love,
Something is always worth it.

The chimes,
Hung broken, and
This is me,
I'm scattered.
You're the wind,
You give me the
Strength to give sound.
You give me strength
To not be let down.

I'm not perfect,
Nor will I ever be
Worth it.
But you have come to me,
Together, we are meant to be.
Truly, our love is passionate.
My love,
I could've never imagined it
Without you.

My chimes may not sound evenly,
But you are here,
Gliding wind so gracefully,
Together, we'll make this
Sound a majestic one.
Together, we've started a journey,
One that we have found worth in.
And it's all just begun.

I think I've said it
A million times,
You're the wind
And I'm the chimes.
Together, we're perfect.

November 1, 2010

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